Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Topic 11: Cell Phone Etiquette Task 1

The results said that I know good cell phone etiquette,and I think that is right because I know hot to turnd my phone down or off when I'm taking care of something very important. And when I'm not doing nothing like sitting at home I know how to not talk so loud because everybody needs to hear what you and your freinds are talking about.

Topic 10: Communication Skills Assignment #2

Do I have good communication Skills? Well to tell the truth yes I do, Because when I speak I speak clearly and loud enuogh where the person who I'm talking to can hear me. But sometimes I might not do all of that like when I'm out hanging with my friends I don't speak clearly and use alot of slang words but that's ok because my friends they understand me and how I talk to them. So in conclusion yes I do have good communication skills because when I'm not with my friends I speak very clearly and people can understand me.

Topic 10: Communication Skills

There are three types of communication, like speaking communication that is where you talk like when you and your friends are talking to each othere. Then there is written communication where you might be on the computer and you write a letter to your pen pal to tell them how you have been doing lately. Also there is non-verbal that is when you don't even have to do or say anything,like you can make eye contact with someone or do some kind of gesture to communication with someone in order to talk to them.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Attitudes Topic 3

Yes I do think that my personality fits the job that I want to do in life,because this is waht I really want to do in my lifetime so that means I got to work super hard at it and never give up no matter waht. I think that I might have a few challenges cause in the feild that I want to work in I will have to somtimes deal with people that say things like I didn't cook their food right or that they wanted more of this and that on their food,so that's when I would have to just sit down and get myself togethere and get back to work and finish the day.The positive experiences that I have had was when I got to cook for the homeless people at our school,that right there help me get the feeling of cooking for complete starngers. But the negative experiences is that somtimes I get mad when the people try to get more then the other people and they get mad at me when I tell them to let the othere people eat then they can come back and get more. In the coming weeks I hope to get back in the kichten and just do what I love to do.

Attitude Task 2

Well sometimes I think that I react both ways, and why I say that is because sometimes life might make me mad then again it might be good to me. Because this one time I wanted to go with this girl but when I went to talk to her she said that she didn't want a boyfriend right now,so I got mad at the whole world but then a few days later the girl changed her mind and we started talking. So that's just an example how I reacted to life.

Workplace Safety, Task 3

In this profession I have learned alot, like if I really to be a chef in life I have to keep woprking on that dream and never give up on it no matter how hard it gets. Positive experiences in cooking as a job would be money, doing what I love to do in life, having my own resturant,and being able to get my mama and two sisters whatever they want in life. the negative experiences are that when cooking you have to be very careful in what you are doing cause you could get burned,cut,slip and fall or mess up the order that you are cooking and the person might get mad at you. So in concluesion I'm looking forward to becoming a world-famous chef and have my very own five-star resturant.

Workplace Safety, Task One

What are some of the potential hazards at your service learning placement?, One of the risks at my service learning place is that when I'm cooking I could cut off one of my fingers, or I could get burned real bad. Or I could slip and slide on some water or anything that had spill on the floor and then I would break my neck and break my back real bad.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Attendance and Timeliness,Task 1

1. Rise and Shine! Set your alarm clock for 20 minutes earlier than necessary. That way, you can either hit "snooze" in the morning, or have extra time to get ready.2. Be Prepared! Have your clothes washed, ironed and laid out the night before so you can get dressed faster.3. Multitask! Prepare your lunch for the next day ahead of time while making your dinner.4. Know where you are going! Get directions to your service site before your first visit. Plan your route and know how long it takes to get there.5. Expect the unexpected! Understand that not everything will go smoothly in the mornings. Give yourself enough time to deal with any potential problems that may arise, such as traffic jams, spilling something on your clothes or running out of gas.6. Call ahead! If you are going to be late, make sure you have the phone number of the place where you are going. Call as soon as you know you will be late and give an honest estimate of how long it will take you to get there. Apologize for the delay and work harder the next time to get there on time.7. Save your absences! Always reserve your absences for when you really need to take them. If you miss work, school or your service learning because you take a vacation day, your boss, teacher or mentor will be less sympathetic to you needing to also take a sick day. Be sure you need to be absent before you miss a scheduled responsibility.