Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Attitudes Topic 3

Yes I do think that my personality fits the job that I want to do in life,because this is waht I really want to do in my lifetime so that means I got to work super hard at it and never give up no matter waht. I think that I might have a few challenges cause in the feild that I want to work in I will have to somtimes deal with people that say things like I didn't cook their food right or that they wanted more of this and that on their food,so that's when I would have to just sit down and get myself togethere and get back to work and finish the day.The positive experiences that I have had was when I got to cook for the homeless people at our school,that right there help me get the feeling of cooking for complete starngers. But the negative experiences is that somtimes I get mad when the people try to get more then the other people and they get mad at me when I tell them to let the othere people eat then they can come back and get more. In the coming weeks I hope to get back in the kichten and just do what I love to do.

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